A Prayer about Manic Mondays

Heavenly King,

We confess, 

too many of our Mondays are “manic” 

because we don’t still ourselves before you 

and remember 

that you are God, 

you are King, 

you are Lord. 

Too often, we serve little-l lords 

like bosses, children, friends, family, or to-do lists. 

We serve them, 

trying to win their approval

 or trying to prove we are winners. 

Turn our faces toward you. 

Bow our hearts before you. 

Send us into this world this week to serve you, 

loving you and loving others 

as you have empowered us to do.

As we do so, 

may our Mondays go from manic to magnificent. 

In Jesus’ magnificent name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 46:1-11.

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