This morning, trying to choke down some watery oatmeal in the Courtyard Bistro, enough to sustain me through the 12th sweaty move of a “child” into or out of a college dwelling (more on that another day), two televisions and a giant digital screen flash the dark stories of these hard days. When I was growing up, Robin Williams was a delightfully happy guy playing the beloved alien “Mork” on TV every week. One year my best friend and I went to a halloween party as Shazam and Isis.

Harsh depression, deep terror, and cruel death now mix with these innocent memories. In these chaotic and sorrowful days, I need — I daresay we all need to be reminded of the good news — there is a powerful, all-sustaining God ruling over evil and pain. Yesterday, I read Charles Spurgeon’s Morning Meditation, which was on just that subject — today I offer portions of it with visuals. I hope these words and pictures (taken with an Iphone 5s at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens) will flash in your mind even when one more piece of sad news scrolls across the screen. (The full-text of the hymn he quotes can be found here). Spurgeonquote GodLivethForever1 GodLivethEver2 GodLiveth3

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