2 Cor. 2:14: 14 But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.

Oh most Thank-Worthy God, Giver of all Good Gifts,

In this season, forgive us for shrinking THANKSGIVING into a small story about Pilgrims and Native Americans and corn kernels. Or even worse, for thinking of it as the “day before Black Friday”!

It is you, most Merciful Savior, Mighty Deliverer, Steadfast Lover who provides everything we need for life and breath.

Thanksgiving is something we must celebrate every day,  not just one Thursday a year. For daily, you feed our hungry hearts with your new mercies. You rescue our wandering hearts from idols that only feed us on dry ashes. You strengthen our weak hearts to spread the sweet aroma of your all-sufficient grace. (2 Cor. 2:15; 2 Cor. 12:9).

This week, many face harsh realities of Thanksgiving Day —

an absent place at the table due to death, disease or divorce,

resentful hearts of elder brothers over prodigals come home,

widows, orphans, the lost and the lonely, aching for a place to belong

the spouse that will drink too much and get rough when the guests have gone…

You know every tear and tear Lord, because you count and collect them all (Ps. 56:8).

We beg you, because of your faithful love, Lord, to “comfort all who are afflicted and in pain” (Ps. 69:29).

May your mighty healing power work to destroy violence, quell fears, restore bodies and hearts, reconcile divided ones….until Christ returns and all is made right.

And help us again to…

“praise your name with a song…

magnify you with thanksgiving” (Ps. 69:30).

We thank you, our Beloved Father, for

the meal you have prepared for us:

Christ’s broken body and spilled blood shed

for the forgiveness of sins

and the redemption of all creation.

We thank you, Mighty Deliverer,

for rescuing us from this body of sin and death.

We thank you, Shalom Restorer,

for the bottomless supply of peace and hope

you feed our starving hearts.

In your Son’s most precious and holy name,

we thank you and praise you!


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