

(a poor sketch of the cataclysmic events)

Blueberry yogurt, banana-adorned, hovering near mouth…
Deep, rich, creamy coffee ready to sip..

Son calls me to come…

Water bursts behind faucet into bathtub, rushing from opposite wall, pooling around toilet.
Son and I labor, huffing and puffing, shoving force against fixture to draw flow toward bathtub.
Daughter throws about ten towels on floor.
Daughter calls doctor-dad. He, repairing a knee, gives instruction through nurse to shut off main water by calling company. Daughter calls water controllers.
Bathtub near flooding, son and I begin bailing. Daughter calls water company again and urges unsympathetic operator to send help.
Son passes me with larger container, splashing water in rush; I head to yard to find water shut-off.
Daughter kennels dogs, leaves for work, a little late.
I call plumber; big truck arrives.
Plumber asks questions, son bails, workers dig up yard.
Water shuts off. Sweet silence arrives.
Contractor friend arrives.
Plumber arrives.
Son leaves for meeting.
Fault found; easy fix suggested.
This will make a really good story one day.
Today, in fact.

May the shalom of Christ dwell richly in your stories today!

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