“[One] reason…why the experiential reality of perceiving God is unfamiliar country today [is
that] the pace and preoccupations of urbanized, mechanized, collectivized,secularized modern life are such that any sort of inner life (apart from the existentialist Angst of society’s misfits and the casualties of the rat race) is very
hard to maintain. To make prayer your life priority, as countless Christians of former days did outside as well as inside the monastery, is stupendously difficult in a world that runs you off your feet and will not let you slow down. And if you attempt it, you will certainly seem eccentric to your peers, for nowadays involvement in a stream of programmed activities is decidedly ‘in,’
and the older ideal of a quiet, contemplative life is just as decidedly ‘out.’ That there is widespread hunger today for more intimacy, warmth, and affection in our fellowship with God is clear… but the concept of Christian life as sanctified
rush and bustle still dominates, and as a result the experiential side of Christian holiness remains very much a closed book.” from J.I.Packer, Keeping in Step with the Spirit via Tim Keller’s study on 1 John.

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