
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
I love to share – well, not my chocolate – but solid fodder for thinking. I don’t know why it took me so long to figure this out, but this blog and Fridays provide the perfect place and time to let you in on some of the best articles, videos, photos, and recipes I’ve enjoyed each week. Taste and see, and let me know which ones you enjoy!

Article on the maturing Bubba Watson, the new Masters champion who just adopted a baby six weeks ago: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/09/bubba-watson-evolves-2012-masters-winner-father_n_1413127.html

Video from Q.org on Euna Lee, the North Korean journalist who was imprisoned: http://www.qideas.org/video/truth-cant-be-opressed.aspx

Article from Rachel Held Evans on “war words of women”://blog.christianitytoday.com/women/2012/04/why_we_can_all_opt_out_of_the.html

Israeli Shrimp and Couscous : http://www.runnersworld.com/article/1,7120,s6-242-303-504-13121-0,00.html

New blog from my gifted friend Hannah Parker, who will help people organize, style and stage their homes so it is a beautiful reflection of their stories  http://hannahparkerhome.com/wp/?page_id=16

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