Back this week on Friday to share a few favorite things I read this week.

I read and really appreciated the hard and beautiful story of Maggie Lee for Good, because it’s more than an ‘inspirational’ story — it’s a true story that takes us into the daily ins and outs of the travels and travails of grief that wrestles with gospel hope. Learn more at Maggie Lee for Good.

For writing that does not sentimentalize the story of young Olympic champion Gabby Douglas, read this excellent piece from Vanity Fair.

And, the topic we should never weary of, forgiveness. Scotty Smith’s prayeron the implications of Christ’s forgiveness is one of many prayers he has written that help me voice my heart’s struggle with this most important of topics. You can find more of them by clicking on the ‘forgiveness’ tag at his “Heavenward” blog of daily prayers.

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