For years, I have been writing, teaching, and coaching about the importance of sharing story in community. It is my calling; it is my work; it is my passion. But years ago, when I was training to pursue this mission, there were times I struggled with the process. I doubted my calling; I wanted to give up. On one of these nights, I was meeting with the women in my  Bible study for a story feast. Our topic was “The Death of a Dream.” I shared my story, and they responded. This story demonstrates how a community can strengthen faith, restore hope, and compel love.

“Death of a Dream” Story

“As most of you know, this summer I took a seminary class that caused me to question my foolish dream of finishing my degree. I was well on my way to reaching this impossible dream, having already completed one-third of the coursework. Each course had changed my heart profoundly and stirred a new passion for God, his calling to me, and my community. But this class was different. The professor seemed cynical and mocking, and over the four days of class, I began to wonder if I belonged. I felt like a stranger in a strange land, as others seemed to question everything I placed my hope in. I don’t know that I want to continue my studies there.”

When I finished, the group, many of whom had walked with me from the beginning of the story of pursuing the degree, had questions and comments for me.

One woman reminded me that we tell our children that they won’t always get along with a teacher. She asked me whether I really thought that God wanted me to give up so quickly just because I had a negative experience with a professor.

Another woman observed, “It sounds like you did something you never would have done in the past. You voiced your beliefs. Even if you weren’t heard by the professor or your classmates, you spoke up for what you believed, and that’s very important.”

“It sounds like you did something you never would have done in the past. You voiced your beliefs.”

The last to speak, a young woman relatively new to the group, gave me reason to continue in faith: “I haven’t been in this group for very long, but since the beginning, the idea that God would call you to such a strange dream has encouraged me to consider that my calling too might be from God. Now I am seeing that moving into this mission may be fraught with trials, and that without a community that knows who God is and what he’s done in my life, I’m sunk.”

Touché. Our new friend summed up the whole purpose of story feasts – to help one another continue in faith by remembering the marvelous deeds God had done and to encourage one another to wait in hope for God to do the impossible again.

Linking up with The High Calling today.

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