frozen heartAt the moment, ice heaps on massive branches throughout the south, threatening power lines and livelihood. I pray for healing warmth for those affected and I am struck again by how God melts frozen hearts.

The well-done Disney movie, Frozen, which many children and parents may watch today till they lose power, gives a lovely glimpse of redemption. If you’re not familiar with the movie, here is an oversimplified summary with a bit of a spoiler:

A young woman, Elsa, struggling with unwanted capacity to freeze life, decides to defend herself and protect others by creating an ice palace and icing anyone who threatens to get near her. Only a true act of sacrificial love can save her.

Though we may not have dark magic like Elsa’s, every one of us struggles with the capacity to ice our own hearts and others’. Our desire for love is a reflection of the glorious longings with which God created us. Our sin often drives us to seek other sources for filling our desires. The Bible says that little-g gods will ultimately numb our hearts. Like Elsa, we need a true act of sacrificial love to save us from our darkness.

The good news of the gospel is that God pursues frozen hearts relentlessly. God draws them out with grace and strength, not contempt and cruelty. Yes, he names the dark reality of his people’s unfaithfulness. God tells Hosea to deliver a threat about their “whoredom” (God’s words, not mine — Hosea 2):

“I will uncover their lewdness in the sight of her lovers. And no one shall rescue her out of my hand.” [my emphasis] Hosea 2:10

It sounds harsh at first reading. But then we realize, they – we – cannot be rescued out of God’s hand. (Back to the movie – I’m pretty sure what resonates with us is the faithful pursuit of Elsa’s heart to rescue her from her self-destruction). God adamantly refuses to let his people remain in their shame and darkness.

He allures his bride, drawing her into an intimate place, where he can speak tender words to her. He reminds her of who she is, created with glory, glowing with beauty. God knows his people. He knows they can’t just try hard enough and become forever faithful to him. He has always known. He has always loved.

Heart of loveIn honor of Valentine’s day, I am writing about love all month. What we glimpse in Frozen, what we know fully in the gospel, is that neither romantic nor erotic love can capture its wonder.

  • Love is a God who melted numb hearts with the warm blood of a human-divine Savior.
  • Love is a God who refused to give up on his people but allowed his Son’s blood to trickle until it grew cold in death.
  • Love is a God who restored the Savior’s heart to beat forever for us, and in doing so, set our hearts ablaze with new life.

This true act of sacrificial love melts our hearts, making them warm and fluid with his grace and mercy. The ice shatters, living water gushes, bright greens shoot forth, and loudly colored flowers bloom everywhere. (See Frozen for a great picture of this!) We laugh and we enjoy, God and others, frolicking in the glory of Love forever.

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