CoversLearningLiving.001Today, a little preview from the forthcoming third in the Living Story series: Loving in God’s Story of Grace. Check out this narrative-based Bible study approach here.

“And they have played the harlot, departing from their God.” Hosea 4:13

We all have many ways of leaving our faithful bridegroom for lovers who seem to offer the satisfaction we crave. Look at the following list of false gods and add some of your own.

  • Living for approval. Possible clues: your day is ruined if someone does not seem to like you or your idea. Your mood is affected by how many likes, re-tweets or re-pins you receive on social media.
  • Playing savior. You take on other people’s problems and feel responsible for them.
  • Work and money. You define yourself by the type of job and the amount of money you make.
  • Consumerism. You always want the newest clothing, technology – fill in the blank. Perhaps you take on debt to acquire goods.
  • Addiction. You turn to alcohol, shopping, video games (—- fill in the blank) for a sense of temporary relief.
  • Name some others that apply to you.

Now, for each of the idols you listed, pray and ponder about the following questions:

  1. How did you begin to find relief, love, satisfaction in this idol? (What were or are the circumstances that led or lead you to this worship?) Ex. In absence of affection in the home, some teenagers turn to alcohol or drugs.
  2. What do you receive from this idol? What does it cost?
  3. What would you have to believe about God to turn away from this idol?

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