
Yesterday, I enjoyed the odd (for me) privilege of sharing communion with two different bodies. The first was with my mom in a large Episcopal cathedral with all of the eloquence and majesty you might expect. (It also happened to be the church where almost 30 years ago My husband and I were married.) Later, I joined our two sons at the church we were members of even before our eldest was born. We’ve since moved to a different state, but he has just returned to live and work. Anyway (I discovered there is more here than I actually knew, which is one of the great perks of writing – hint, hint…). It made me think of a long ago discussion I had with Pastor Scotty Smith about re-membering. I’ll post the summary, and let me know if any of this makes you remember anything or re-member anyone!

When we remember, we also re-member. When we remember that redemption accomplished reconciliation for us, we rest in that reconciliation and we live toward reconciliation with friends and enemies. We remember that one day we will re-member with every tribe, tongue, nation, and people group for an eternal story of kingdom worship, and we work (yes, this is at least part of the ‘working out of salvation’ Philippians refers to) toward building that community now.

In remembrance we rest, and in remembrance we do. Because we remember what Christ has done for us, we drink his body and eat his blood. We do so to remember that we can rest from our labors to be acceptable in God’s sight. And in resting from our labors to be acceptable in his sight, we are freed to labor and love for the sake of spreading the good news of this kingdom to others. Wherever you are re-membering, do this in remembrance of the Lord our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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