I am so oblivious sometimes. I am not wearing green. I’m not a hater; I like shamrocks, leprechaun hats, and the pictures of the St. Paddy’s Day race put on by our local Irish pub. (Though I admit green beer at 8:30 a.m. befuddles me…) But I am so curious. So when my calendar reminded me today is St. Patrick’s day, I studied up on him again.Here is his story of grace in 5 s’s:

1. Acknowledged Sinner: St. Patrick writes in his confessions, “And He watched over me before I knew Him and before I learned sense or even distinguished between good and evil.”

2. Slave: Born around 390 A.D., Patrick was kidnapped from his home in Roman Britain at 16 years old  (some legends say by Irish pirates) Under the harsh and lonely conditions of an enslaved shepherd, he converted to Christianity (I could not find out how). After six years, he fled Ireland and returned home to Britain.

3. Sent: Patrick studied theology. Twenty-five years after his return, God sent him back to the place of his enslavement to bring the gospel good news to the captives. Really cool fact: One impact of his ministry was to explain gospel freedom to the women of Ireland, who at the time were treated like possessions. He taught them that they were free in Christ and belonged to God alone.

4. Saint: When Patrick died on March 17, 461, he was largely forgotten.Many years later, he was made patron saint of Ireland.

5. St. Patrick’s Day: The Irish did not celebrate the day as many in America do until the 1970’s. St. Patrick’s Day as the celebration of parades and wearing green was largely invented in America by Irish soldiers fighting in the revolutionary war. While researching,

I discovered this beautiful prayer written by St. Patrick: “God, my God, omnipotent King, I humbly adore thee. Thou art King of kings, Lord of lords. Thou art the Judge of every age. Thou art the Redeemer of souls. Thou art the Liberator of those who believe. Thou art the Hope of those who toil. Thou art the Comforter of those in sorrow. Thou art the Way to those who wander. Thou art Master to the nations. Thou art the Creator of all creatures. Thou art the Lover of all good. Thou art the Prince of all virtues. Thou art the joy of all Thy saints. Thou art life perpetual. Thou art joy in truth. Thou art the exultation in the eternal fatherland. Thou art the Light of light. Thou art the Fountain of holiness. Thou art the glory of God the Father in the height. Thou art Savior of the world. Thou art the plenitude of the Holy Spirit. Thou sittest at the right hand of God the Father on the throne, reigning for ever.”

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