
I don’t remember how I discovered Page CXVI. I do remember that I bought one of their hymn CD’s, then after listening to it fully, bought the other two. It even passed Robert’s music test (he is very particular about Christian music, insisting it must contain more than the same chords played over and over and over:). So I was thrilled to hear they have a new album coming out, and this morning had the chance to listen. I know it’s a busy Saturday, but if you’re reading this, you have 5 minutes to mess around:). Click, close your eyes and listen. And remember it’s not just any old amazing grace. And let this get stuck in your head for the rest of the day:

I will sing to you this song of thanks

For giving me abundant grace

You broke the stones around my heart

In you I been redeemed.

Hymns IV by PageCXVI

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