It is the month of May-hem, which for many of us means ‘awards-season.’ Here is a strange story of one I attended today…
Jammed into a high school auditorium, we often overhear our neighbor’s conversation. Still, I was surprised to hear my son’s name spoken by strangers. The words were whispered garble – “awards…all,” but the tone was clear – mocking disdain. Yes, he had received a few. After the next award, a special one given by the principal to a student who had made positive impact, I heard the dad scoff, “I’m surprised he didn’t get that one too.”
At first I wanted to tell them off (“He already received that award!”) (Yes, that’s how ugly my heart can be!) But then I just wanted to tell them…How hard he studies. How fervently he prays to keep his head on straight. How his dad and I are recovering perfectionists who don’t want him to live a life shackled to performance. How we have conversations about what it means to give glory to God in all we do.
But then my son spoke. As president-elect of next year’s SGA, he was charged with giving closing remarks. His words invited us to celebrate the multi-variegated gifts of the students represented. He went on to call for and express gratitude, “If you are a student receiving an award here today, you should not take that for granted. It is a big accomplishment. If you are a parent of one of these students, we thank you for your presence and support. I know from personal experience how much that means.”
Somehow the brief word relieved me of the strong urge to ‘justify’ my son to this sour couple next to me. It reminded me of what they might not have realized – we’re all here to worship – not the students – but the God who created them and gifted them. We’re here to thank and enjoy God and others. Neither awards nor self-justification can bring the lasting rest our Lord and Savior brings. We know that it is the hope of the gospel where our truest reward lies.