Last night I dreamed that I was in an earthquake. (I live in Florida, where hurricanes are not uncommon, but earthquakes are). It was easy to trace seismic activity in my dreams to current stories in my life and the world.

Whether it is the Nepal earthquake, criminal motorcycle gangs, or children’s lives changing rapidly, the good news is that God never changes. Here are some quotes from Charles Spurgeon’s Morning Meditation, paired with visuals. I hope these words and pictures (taken with an Iphone 5s at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens) will encourage your heart when your world seems to shake.
(The full-text of the hymn he quotes can be found here).

The Good News: God Is in ControlSpurgeonquote

The Good News: God Is GodGodLivethForever1

The Good News: God Gives Peace and GladnessGodLivethEver2

The Good News: God Forever ReignsGodLiveth3

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