
Living Story focuses on learning what God has done in order to live it.

I promise I will not write an entire blog series quoting the entire text of Tullian Tchividjian’s new book Jesus + Nothing = Everything, but I read this one last night, and it occurred to me that it’s a great explanation of what Living Story is all about — studying, learning, remembering, awe-ing what God has done + living this story of grace, the gospel into the world in such a way that other people want to know this ‘what-God-has-done’ story. Everything we do — conferences, curriculum, coaching, and community, is focused on the indicative of Christ followed by the imperative. Read Pastor Tullian’s explanation:

“To use grammatical terms, Paul begins with the vertical indicative (what God in Christ has done for us), followed by the horizontal imperative (how we’re to live in light of what God has done for us).

Paul knew that the right way for us to think about our Christian lives is always to start with the vertical, then move to the horizontal. We’re always to soak first in what God has already done before set out to do. This intentional order is crucial because it distinguishes the gospel from moralism in our minds and helps us preserve the gospel from moralism in our actions.”

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