I love ministry; I hate the temptations that accompany it.
The Temptation to Believe our Work is Meaningless
Today I share some of the ugly thoughts that intrude at times, even though I’d rather pretend I don’t have these. But from what my coaching clients and others tell me, I believe we all struggle at times with the temptation to believe that what we do somehow doesn’t matter — to anyone, to God…
The doubts and ingratitude show up, unwelcome, unannounced, clamoring for your attention…
NO ONE CARES about your Bible study.
Only two people show up to Bible study.
Several have dropped out to play bridge. One got the flu. One went on vacation and never returned.
Others want to try something new.
One has a new baby, and another has to work.
No one cares.
No matter that one drives an hour and a half to come to a grace-filled Bible study.
No matter that the two people who come so desperately hunger for good news and live undeniable stories of grace.
NO ONE CARES about your blog.
You write a blog. Three people read it. No one comments. No one cares.
You write another blog. Your mother reads it and comments. She has to care; she’s your mom.
You write another blog. Your friend reads it and tells you she loves it. She cares, but no one else does.
You don’t really matter. What you do doesn’t matter. Don’t do it. Why bother? No one appreciates you. You are way deeper than all those big-hair glossy-faced Bible study leaders.
Doubt. Self-contempt. Sense of meaninglessness. Self-pity. Envy.
On one such war-torn morning, I opened my Bible app on my IPad, desperately seeking wise words to speak into the barrage.
I entered the story where Paul is writing about suffering for the sake of the Colossians’, but the Spirit nailed my heart, my sin struggle broadside with…
For the sake of his body, that is the church,
the mystery hidden for all ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. Col. 1:25-26
Boom. Take that, temptation.
Though Paul’s situation is specific to his story, the Word has implications for all of us:
You’ve been given a ministry. (Yes, even those who don’t teach, preach, or blog).
That ministry is a gift from God.
Your job is to “make the word of God fully known.” Nothing more, nothing less.
The rest is up to Him.
And in that whole mystery and reality, gratitude returns.
A Prayer about Temptation
Dear Holy God,
Forgive us for believing the lie that no one cares.Thank you for the great gift of your Son, who gives meaning and purpose to what we do in this world. Thank you for letting us be your message. Thank you for letting us be part of your kingdom coming. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
Thank you for being honest and voicing the thoughts of my heart today with the medicine needed. Appreciate your blog and you and I’m not your Dad!
Thanks, George — that just really made me laugh out loud and the smile will go with me as I go about the day. We need this sort of community to encourage one another! 🙂
Well I think it’s a great blog even if I am “just” your mother. And, yes, I am very much of needing to be reminded I have a ministry – that of family and friends and even little puppy dog tails. It is to be followed in good times and bad and it is, ultimately, the “med’s” that I need to once more see life positively and happily (even with a split infinitive!)
Oh, Mom, you ARE the greatest fan, mom or not! You minister to me and your family in so many ways – through your unfailing encouragement, your sharp insight, your fierce determination that is such an example to us. I’m SO GRATEFUL for your support:-)!
Thanks for the reminder & challenge, Elizabeth! It’s all too easy to wallow in the emotions of self! God’s plan & work, not mine. To His glory, not mine!
Amen, amen, Amy Lynne! (Hey, that rhymed!:-). To His glory, indeed!
Oh, what wonderful and wise words, Elizabeth! It takes courage to speak so honestly. I’ll remember these words when I am tempted to give up (every few minutes or so). I appreciate your blog, your bible study, and you!
Patti, thank you for your grace that frees me to speak honestly!You have been such a faithful encourager in Bible study for so many years — God’s message speaks through you in your life and words!
Your blogs make me smile, remember, think, and more importantly reaffirm God’s love and purpose for us. Alas, I am remiss in leaving replies – I read, heed, and (yes) learn from your blogs. Being an educator taught me that lack of acknowledgment does not mean the message didn’t reach the intended recipient! What we do and say does matter.
Continue with the good words!
Bless you, Kathy! I really wasn’t fishing for comments:-), but it is such an encouragement to hear! So grateful I can bring that sense of love and purpose to you who endowed my children with it through your teaching! God’s grace in you changed their lives! Thank you!
hope you got my other email just a few minutes ago. you are dear to care so much and have a great ministry. the blogs are just so real and from your heart. thank you for being you. love, joy
Thanks, Joy. I love your emails and comments that cheer me along the way!
I love your sense of humor. 🙂
I used to feel like I wasn’t really making a difference when I was teaching school. And that no one really cared. That feeling can be very discouraging.
I shared some of the things we’ve learned about grace with the women at KAIROS.
I told one woman that she didn’t have to wait to be “good” to have a relationship with God. You had been talking about that very idea a few weeks ago in bible study. Anyway…that really resonated with her. She “got it” So you see…you helped a woman at Kairos and you didn’t even know it!
Oh, Ann Blair, you are such an encouragement to me. I love your tender heart. Thank you for your story, which is such a window into the wondrous ways God works in this world! So thankful he put you there to speak grace to an imprisoned heart!