Get ready,
The King is coming.
Hold your branches high, so he’ll see you.
Did you hear about how he healed Haniel?
Bleeding she was for years,
With one quick brush against him, the flow ceased.
He noticed her but did not scorn her,
He pronounced her well. Clean now forever.
Away he sent her, in peace…
Get ready,
The King is coming.
Hold your branches high, so that he will see you.
Wait, what’s this? A donkey? Huh!
What kind of King
rides on such a thing,
a creature that looks like Balaam’s ass!
We thought this Jesus would save us, destroying the Roman oppressors.
This misshapen-faced man couldn’t save a dog;
why, look at his weak eyes!
Come on, let’s go,
Before he sees us.
And they tossed their branches aside,
turning away in disgust.