I’ve been reading the excellent series The High Calling is running on #vocationfocus, and it made me think of this story:

“Hi-i-i, Meezes Turnage,

You are an author, no?”

Caught by surprise, first because I had expected him to say, “You are the Doctor’s wife,” and secondly, because I wasn’t sure how he knew I was an author, I hesitantly agreed, “Well, yes… I am.”

“And what is this Leeving Story,” he asked, his Panama accent strong.

“Oh, yes, that is my ministry.”

Quickly, he followed with, “And what type of books do you write?”

“Oh, um, Bible studies...to help people know how God’s grace is working out in their stories.”

“You are Christian?”
“Yes, I am!”

What a delightful welcome by Juan Diego, the concierge whose job was to assist us as we cruised through Alaska.And not just because his lively Latino persona and warm, wide smile lit the room with his joy. But because he “knew” me.

When people hear my last name, they regularly ask, “Are you Dr. Turnage’s wife?” and whenever that question comes, I prepare myself for the “spontaneous overflow” of high praise and deep gratitude for both his excellent skill and his widely-recognized compassion. And, having been “Mr.” Turnage’s wife for almost 31 years and “Dr.” Turnage’s wife for 27, I am proud and delighted to be so-named.

But sometimes, as self-focused as this may sound, I want people to know me for me. To know my passions, my work, my calling. My calling isn’t really about me, though. It’s about — dare I say it — the glory of God revealed in me? I am fearfully and wonderfully made –God has actually “crafted” me, the Bible says.

Like many women, I have a multitude of vocations, one of which is to support and encourage my husband in his work and ministry (he puts bones and joints back together, but truly his work is a healing ministry!) God has also named me as the mother of four crazy, amazing children. He has given me a strong passion for teaching and writing and working and cheering people on as they themselves discover and live their God-created calling.

The exchange with Juan Diego reminded me of a powerful threat to women. It is not, as so many in our culture might suggest, the danger of losing ourselves. It is, however, the danger of losing the knowledge of who God has created us to be. The Bible teaches that God created woman and man “in his image.” He endowed us with gifts and calling. Yes, we are born sinners, but in Christ, we are new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).

In order to understand the magnificence of God’s redemptive story, we ought to spend some time asking, “What is my name, what is my calling, what is my purpose?” As we do, we will discover our names and live in love and curiosity about others’.

I am “the doctor’s wife,” “[four children’s] mother,” “a coach,” “an author,” and…most importantly, “beloved child of the King.” Each of these names tell something about the vocation God has given me, the place in the kingdom he has called me to serve.

Join the conversation: How have you been named, and what does it tell about your calling?

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