A Prayer about Redemption in Marriage

by | Sep 4, 2021 | Daily Prayer, Marriage | 0 comments

Redeeming Lord,

On this my 39th wedding anniversary, 

I marvel at your kindness to my husband and to me. 

We both readily admit 

that marriage hasn’t always been easy, 

because our natural tendencies don’t really fit 

the description of our calling in marriage. 

I don’t naturally submit to my husband, 

and he doesn’t naturally nourish me 

the way Christ does the church (Ephesians 5:22, 33, 25). 

And yet, what we would also confess 

is that you have

redeemed us, 

transformed us, 

sharpened us, 

through marriage. 

Over the years, 

by the power of the Holy Spirit alone, 

through faith in Christ alone, 

we have ever so slowly 

become people 

who will sacrifice our agendas for the other. 

You have been at work, 

making us less selfish 

and more dependent — 

on one another and mostly, on you. 

And my hunch is that’s exactly how you meant it to be. 

Thank you for your redemptive work in marriages. 

When it’s hard, continue to bless us all 

with the hope and love of our Savior, 

the perfect bridegroom who gave himself up 

to sanctify us for himself (Ephesians 5:25-26). 

In his forgiving name. Amen.

Read Ephesians 4:21-5:33. 

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