A Prayer about Praying for Moms of Young Children

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Precious Father,

Today we lift up all of those moms 

of newborns, infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers. 

You know how very weary they are, Lord. 

We ask that you would give help their children sleep 

so they might sleep, 

and we pray these mamas could let go of worry 

so they can sleep 

when their children do. 

We ask that you would give them physical strength 

for all of the literal heavy lifting 

of bodies and car seats and strollers and groceries. 

Protect the bodies of these moms from harm 

as they carry so many heavy loads. 

And we ask that you would give them wisdom 

for all of the decisions they must make all day long: 

what to do if their newborn won’t feed, 

how to get their toddler to eat healthy food, 

how to help their pre-schooler learn her letters. 

Oh Lord, you know they need your wisdom! 

Most of all, Lord, we ask 

that you would give them rest for their souls. 

Comfort them and encourage them 

that as they lift their small children to you, 

they can rest, 

trusting you to care for these littles

far better than they ever will. 

Finally, Lord, we pray 

that you would make us 

instruments of compassion and care 

in these weary moms’ lives.

In Jesus’ caring name we ask.


Read Galatians 6:9-10; Colossians 1:9-14.

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