A Prayer about the Gift of Children

Gracious Creator,

Even this week as I’ve stared in awe 

at the exquisite design of our newborn grandchild, 

a profound gift from you…

Even as I’ve marveled at this lovely creation 

you’ve so graciously brought forth 

through our daughter and son-in-law, 

I marvel at your kindness. 

Indeed, you chose to form the inward parts 

of every single child, 

to knit them together in a mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). 

And even as we thank you for giving us this child, 

we pray for the many many would-be moms and dads 

who have prayed for the gift of a child, any child. 

We ask that you would grace them 

with endurance and faith and hope 

as month after month and year after year go by 

with no fruit in their womb, 

with no offspring who is their own.

Show them your kindness 

even in the midst of such a painful wait. 

And Lord, for all of your extraordinary and precious children, 

we pray for safe, secure, loving homes. 

In Jesus’ child-loving name. Amen.

Read Psalm 127:3; Psalm 139:13-18

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