
The Waiting Room and From Recovery to Restoration Paperback Bundle Signed by Author

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $21.00.

From Recovery to Restoration

Discover your surpassing peace and surest hope in crisis in sixty gospel-centered meditations.

Natural disaster or relational disaster, broken body or broken marriage, job loss or loss of a loved one….Crisis thrusts us into a season of healing and recovery. The journey of recovery can arouse many emotions: shock, fear, anxiety, doubt, agony, anger. Into this place of strife and sorrow, Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage gives compelling reasons to hope: God has written a story that takes us from recovery to full restoration. Each meditation contains Scripture, prayer, a relevant meditation, reflection questions, and suggested music.

If you long to know the restoration hope that awaits beyond recovery, you need this book.

The Waiting Room

Whether you are the caregiver or the patient, the “what-if’s” of the waiting room can feel terrifying, and the wait can feel agonizing. Cancer, tumor, stroke, traumatic injury, or major surgery—a health crisis of any kind involves waiting. This waiting arouses many emotions: fear, uncertainty, sorrow, agony, and anger among them. In this devotional for caregivers and patients, Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage reminds us of the certain hope and surpassing peace of the gospel: God has worked miraculous deeds and redemptive wonders in the past, and Jesus will “soon” come again to end our wait, and to bring full and final healing. These sixty meditations for peace and hope will encourage you as you wait.

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Get the two-volume set in print, signed by Elizabeth. (Put in notes who you would like her to address it to).

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