A Prayer about “Happy Holidays”

Joyful Lord,

It’s already happening. 

I feel my inner Grinch creeping, 

ready to make a sneak attack 

on the poor unsuspecting checkout folks 

who cheerfully call out, “Happy Holidays” 

after I’ve just bought Christmas ornaments. 

Lord, I know they’ve been told what to say. 

Lord, I know that Christmas 

has become commercialized. 

And yet, these stores will still play songs like,

“Joy to the World, the Lord is come, 

let earth receive her King,” 

and “Hark, the herald angels sing, 

‘Glory to the newborn King.’”

 So rather than getting all grinchy 

when someone tells me, “Happy Holidays,” 

help me to joyfully respond, “Thank you,” 

or even, “Joy to the world!” 

Help me to see that even the “secularization” of Christmas

offers prime opportunities 

to share the true reason for our joy — 

we have a great King, 

and that King has come, 

in the form of a baby human! 

It’s game-changing news, 

but many don’t know it. 

May we seek this season 

to share this news 

in the best way we know how, 

by living and loving 

in the fullness of our Savior’s joy!


Read Psalm 98; Luke 2:8-20.

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