A Prayer about Becoming a Living Sacrifice

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1

Merciful God,

What a remarkable calling you’ve given us, 

and how remarkable that you’ve also made it possible!

I wonder if we sometimes slip right by this verse, 

not noticing the “Therefore” 

and wondering what it’s there for. 

Because “from him and through him and to him” 

are all things

and only because of that reality, 

we are able to present our bodies 

as a living sacrifice. 

In Christ, we become living sacrifices

holy and acceptable to you. 

Now by the power of the Holy Spirit, 

we respond in worship, 

in gratitude for your mercy, 

giving you all things

We offer our work to you as a sacrifice, 

asking you to help us glorify you in it, 

whether the job is drudge-work or dream work.

We offer our relationships to you as a sacrifice, 

asking you to help us glorify you through them, 

to love neighbors and family and even enemies.

We offer our bodies to you as a living sacrifice,

asking you to help us glorify you in them, 

To care well for them and to thank you 

for how you have made them.

We offer our minds to you as a living sacrifice,

asking you to help us glorify you in them, 

seeking to instruct them with your wisdom.

And on and on we go, 

with everything that we have 

and everything that we are, 

giving it all back to you, 

because and through the One 

who gave himself as a living sacrifice for us. 

In his loving name we pray. Amen.

Read Romans 11:36-12:2.

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