A Prayer about Denying Self

If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Mark 8:34

Lord Jesus,

It’s not very popular in our selfie culture 

to deny ourselves. 

We’re pretty committed 

to self-fulfillment, 


and self-promotion. 

Only by your marvelous grace 

and mighty Spirit 

can we be transformed. 

We long to follow you 

as children play follow-the-leader, 

never losing sight of you, 

doing what you do

(even if we don’t understand why you do it), 

venturing into the unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

In this season of Lent, 

lead us to learn how to say no 

to all the things we think we need 

for life and happiness. 

In this season of Lent, 

remind us of the great good news of the gospel— 

“in Christ,” 

we are fully empowered 

to deny ourselves 

and to follow you 

in your mission of redeeming your people 

for the sake of God’s glory. 

What cause for rejoicing!

In your leading name. Amen.  

Read Mark 8:31-38.

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