A Prayer about Not Being Foolish

All-Wise God,

May we heed Paul’s words about wisdom and foolishness, 

so that we might avoid being foolish, 

so that we might become truly wise.

Paul is right—the message of the cross: 

the true story that you sent your only Son 

as the perfect Savior for our sins, 

the message that you allowed your beloved, 

obedient Son to die on the cross for our sins, 

seems terribly foolish 

according to the world’s wisdom. 

May we remember our dying Savior 

and see the fullness of your wisdom, power, and love. 

May we adore our risen Savior 

and walk in his wisdom, power, and love. 

In Jesus’ wise and strong name. Amen.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25.

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