A Prayer about Receiving a Dire Diagnosis

Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. Isaiah 41:10

Mighty and Merciful God,

We lift up those 

who have just received the bad news about their health 

or a loved one’s health.

It was cancer. 

There is no cure. 

We’re not sure what’s wrong.

We know the panic 

that comes in such a moment. 

Our palms sweat. 

Our hearts race. 

The room gets blurry. 

We have questions? 

Can I endure the pain? 

What will happen to my loved ones? 

What about work? 

Am I going to die?

Oh, gracious Father, 

thank you for so many beautiful words 

in your Word 

that address our fear. 

May all who have received a dire diagnosis 

hear them now:

“Don’t panic. 

I’m with you. 

There’s no need to fear 

for I’m your God. 

I’ll give you strength. 

I’ll help you. 

I’ll hold you steady, 

keep a firm grip on you” (Isaiah 41:10).

Oh, Father, thank you for these 

and all of the other words you have given us 

to comfort and calm our hearts. 

May we all know your nearness 

to the brokenhearted 

in this difficult season (Psalm 34:18).

In Jesus’ merciful name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 43:1-2; Psalm 34.

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