A Prayer about the Hope for Sins, Transgressions, and Iniquities
For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Psalm 51:3
God of Abundant Mercy,
We return to David’s prayer of confession today
to name our own sins, transgressions, and iniquities:
We know our transgression—
ways we’ve crossed the line,
taken your good gifts and turned them into demands.
[Name some ways you’ve crossed the line.]
We need cleansing from our sin—
ways we’ve fallen short
of the high mark Jesus set
for loving our friends, family, neighbors, and enemies.
[Name some ways you’ve fallen short of the love Jesus commands.]
We need to be washed thoroughly from our iniquity—
our distorted way of seeing the world and walking in it,
for indeed, we were born in iniquity (Psalm 51:2; 5).
[Name some ways your view of God’s world is distorted.]
We know our desperate need for a Savior,
and we thank you and praise you
for the perfectly righteous One you sent,
who died that we may be washed
“whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7).
In Jesus’ freeing name. Amen.
(Thanks to ligonier.org for their helpful article, “What is the difference between sin, transgression, and iniquity?”).