A Prayer about Admitting Our Need
Dear Father,
What do a persistent widow,
a shamed tax collector,
and a blind beggar have in common (Luke 18)?
No, Father, I am not writing jokes into my prayers,
I am just enjoying the connections your Holy Spirit makes
as I read through my Bible.
Each of these characters,
two fictional and one real,
knew their desperate need,
their hopelessness without rescue and redemption.
They all humbled themselves
to lay their need before one who could help them.
Today, may we humble ourselves,
leaning fully into your unfailing mercy,
admitting our need
for your redemption from our sins
and your restoration of this broken world.
We thank you and praise you
for the restoration work you have already begun
in Christ, our redeeming Savior.
In his name we pray. Amen.
Read Luke 18.