A Prayer about Being Made in God’s Image

God, our Almighty King,

I confess, I rarely take time to be in awe of 

how you chose to create humankind. 

You made us “in [your] image, after [your] likeness” (Genesis 1:26). 

In the Hebrew, the words used describe a “representative of the king.” 

Lord, may we live and breathe the breath you breathed into us, 

may we seek in every moment of our days, to represent you, 

to show the world your majesty, might, and mercy,

to humble ourselves in the way of Jesus, 

the ultimate servant-King. 

Conform us to the likeness of your Son (Romans 8:29),

day by day, moment by moment, 

that we may show the world your glory. 

This is the work you have given us to do. 

In Jesus’ transforming name. Amen. 

Read Genesis 1:26-28, Romans 8:28-30. 

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