A Prayer about the Word-Made-Flesh


We confess, we complain sometimes,

“I just wish I could have known Jesus personally.

I wish I were alive when he walked on the earth.”

Forgive our blindness and unbelief.

Open our eyes to see your kindness,

your nearness to us in your Word,

you who are the Word-made-flesh.

We are weak, strengthen us

to grasp the fullness of your grace:

your undeserved gift of forgiveness for our sins,

your unfailing mercies of protection from temptation,

your unflinching sympathy with us in suffering.

Jesus, draw us near this year to your Word,

help us soak in its solace and study its truth

that we may love you and love others.

In your glorious name. Amen.

Read John 1:1-18.

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