A Prayer about Honoring God with Our Lives

Lord God,

May it not be so! 

As we gather today whether together or apart, 

to worship you, may our hearts be near to you. 

May our worship of you not be 

merely “man-made rules learned by rote” (Isaiah 29:13).

Even as we sing your praise today, 

send us into this broken world as citizens of your kingdom, 

showing others we care more for them than we do ourselves 

by sacrificing our comfort and our agendas, 

disentangling ourselves from political enmeshments 

in earthly kingdoms, 

loving friends, neighbors, and especially enemies.

Such is the true worship you have called us to. 

By the power of your Spirit, and through faith in Christ, 

empower us to worship you with our whole heart, mind, soul, and body. 

In Jesus’ worship-worthy name. Amen. 

Read Isaiah 29:13-16.

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