A Prayer about the Gift of Church

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

You are the three-in-one God, 

one God, three distinct persons,

“the same in substance, 

equal in power and glory.” (Westminster Shorter Catechism) 

In your very being, 

you demonstrate the essentiality of community 

for the Christian. 

We were never meant to go it alone. 

You saved a people, not a person. 

After a long season of virtual church, 

it’s easy to forget how to gather 

and how important it is to gather with our church. 

As we can more safely do so, 

let us prioritize seeing one another in person, 

listening alongside our fellow believers 

to the preaching of your gospel, 

joining our voices together 

in prayers of confession and adoration and petition, 

and sharing communion as we remember your sacrifice for us.

In Jesus’ beloved name. Amen. 

Read Acts 2:42-47.

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