
A Prayer about a Sudden and Unexpected Death

Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 

John 11:21

Heavenly Father,

When that shocking news comes, 

the call telling us 

that someone we loved dearly 

has died suddenly or unexpectedly, 

we can relate to Martha’s words 

about her brother, Lazarus: 

“if you had been here, 

[our loved one] would not have died.” 

We don’t understand 

why our loved one had to die, 

and in this way, 

in this time. 

We forget that death resulted from the fall, 

and that it is a sorrow 

we all must bear. 

We forget that you promised 

the redemption of death 

even as you addressed Satan in the garden, 

telling him that you would one day send the seed of the woman 

to crush him (Genesis 3:15). 

Through Lazarus’ death and resurrection, 

you had a purpose and plan, 

a plan to display your glory 

and your Son’s glory: 

“This illness does not lead to death. 

It is for the glory of God, 

so that the Son of God 

may be glorified through it” (John 11:4). 

And now through the death and resurrection 

of your Son, 

“the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25),

 we have hope, and we have peace. 

Even in the time of shock after a sudden death, 

may we believe in the one who gives us hope 

that “though [we] die, yet [we] shall live” (John 11:25).

In him we will live eternally with you, in everlasting joy and peace.

In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Read John 11.

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