A Prayer about Ascribing Glory to the Lord
Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings,
Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Psalm 29:1
Glorious Lord,
It’s easy to come to you in prayer
with a grocery list of wants and needs.
Forgive us for forgetting
that the best prayer starts
with recognizing your glory,
your strength,
your splendor,
your holiness,
your majesty,
and your might.
Thank you for Psalm 29,
which reminds us that we join
with heavenly beings
when we pause to reflect
on your glory.
Today, we join David in awe
at just a few of your many marvels:
Your “voice” is “over the waters” (29:3),
waters which in ancient times were chaotic and dangerous.
In other words, you establish order in the midst of chaos.
Your voice “breaks the cedars of Lebanon” (29:5),
the renowned and majestic trees
of the great ancient city of Lebanon;
in other words, your power overcomes
the most powerful forces we face.
Your voice “shakes the wilderness” (29:8),
a dangerous and murderous world in ancient times;
in other words, you grab what threatens us
and shake it to its core.
And on and on we can go
ascribing your glory to you.
Thank you for these reminders of your glory
that change the list of requests we name.
For indeed, what we truly want and need most
is for your glory to reign forever and ever.
In Jesus’ glorious name. Amen.
Pray Psalm 29 (aloud).

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage
author, life and legacy coach, speaker
Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage is the author of Preparing for Glory: Biblical Answers to 40 Questions on Living and Dying in Hope of Heaven.
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