A Prayer about Being a BlueJay

But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 1 Corinthians 12:18

Creator God,

How creative you are!

As I was watching the birds in the oak tree 

across from my study window, 

I noticed a blue jay, 

a very common bird in my neighborhood. 

I said to myself, “Oh, it’s just a blue jay!” 

(Because blue jays are very common in this tree.)

But then I began to look at the beautiful blend 

of blues and grays and blacks in the blue jay 

and thought of how cleverly you designed this bird 

to help plant new oak trees by spreading acorns. 

And I thought of how we sometimes look at people 

in your body and think 

“They’re just blue jays.”

Just another ordinary person, 

nothing special. 

Or maybe we think about ourselves that way—

“I don’t have any special gifts 

to contribute to the body.”

And yet, you have clearly created each one of us 

with unique gifts for serving you, 

and we need every member of the body of Christ: 

“If the whole body were an ear, 

where would be the sense of smell?” (1 Corinthians 12:17). 

Wondrous Creator, 

may we see the wonder of each and every member of your body, 

including ourselves, 

even if we’re “just a blue jay.” 

May we seek you and serve you 

with the ordinary gifts you have given us—

the ability to open the door for an older woman, 

the heart to send a note to someone we missed in church today, 

the hope to believe that redemption is coming 

despite the dark landscape we see around us.

In Jesus’ gifting name. Amen. 

Read 1 Corinthians 12.

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