A Prayer about Being a Saint

Dear Friends,

This began as a personal prayer, but I invite you to insert your own gratitude for God making you a saint.


All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you. Psalm 145:10


Author God,

You and I both know that in the world’s sense of the word, 

I am no saint. 

And yet, on this All Saints’ Day, 

as I celebrate 60 years of being in the world, 

I stand in awe of “your abundant goodness,” 

in choosing me to be one of your saints in Christ (Romans 1:7). 

Not only did you place me in a Christian school 

where I would hear the good news of the gospel and begin studying the Bible, 

[name some of the specific ways God has shown you the good news of the gospel]

but you surrounded me with “a great cloud of witnesses,” 

wonderful saints, ordinary people redeemed in Christ, 

who were living stories that led me to see my need and desire for a Savior. 

[Name some of the saints who have shown you redemption in Christ.]

Not only did you draw me to Christ, 

literally raise me from spiritual death, 

but you have continued to write your story of “steadfast love,” 

showing me day after day 

that your “mercy is over all that you have made” (Psalm 145:9). 

[Name some of the ways he has written his story of “steadfast love” and “mercy” into your life.]

How grateful I am/we are 

that you have called us to be your “saints in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:1). 

In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

Read Psalm 145. 


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