A Prayer about Being Kept and Blessed

Merciful Lord,

This Sabbath day, 

we thank you for the many ways 

you have blessed and kept us:

You have blessed us 

with faithful churches and ministers 

who preach the good news about Jesus.

You have kept us 

with your guiding and guarding Word 

and with wise friends 

who bring us good counsel.

You have made your face to shine 

your grace and saving love upon our hearts 

as surely as the spring sun warms our faces.

You have shone your glory over us 

and soothed us with your peace, 

making us whole again.

Now send us out as mirrors 

of your glory and grace, 

reflecting your love 

to all we meet this week, 

bringing your saving and keeping light and love

into a dark and gloomy world. 

In Jesus’ gracious name. 


Read Numbers 6:22-27.

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