A Prayer about Being Rooted and Grounded in Love
Father God
As we see plump, juicy tomatoes growing on the vine
(not in my yard, but in my daughter’s),
we recognize that good gardeners know
they need rich, fertile soil
to grow strong, healthy plants.
You’ve designed us the same way,
and the absolutely essential ingredient
for healthy growth as a Christian is
When we are rooted in it, grounded in it,
by your Gardener-Spirit,
we grow strong and healthy.
Because your love is so overpowering
and incomprehensible to us—mere humans,
we need your strength to comprehend it—
no measuring tape or smart phone app can reach
far enough, long enough, deep enough, or wide enough,
to measure your love.
Not even the string theory physicists
can comprehend it,
for it “surpasses knowledge.”
Only by your Spirit working in us
can we know this love.
So Lord, we ask,
please please renew our minds and hearts
so that we can grasp it
and grow in it and be filled with all your fullness,
that we may bear the fruit of love
in your glorious kingdom.
In Jesus’ incomprehensibly loving name. Amen.
Read Ephesians 3:14-21.