
A Prayer about Caring for the Mentally Ill

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Comforting Father,

We lift up all who are affected by mental illness. 

Sadly, because of our ignorance about mental illness, 

many of the mentally ill suffer “secondary wounds.” 

Both the afflicted and their families have suffered

suggestions for quick-fix by faith cures, 

condemnation of behavior, 

or exile from the body. 

As we look to our Lord Jesus, 

who came alongside the mentally afflicted 

and often healed but always cared, 

make us more like him. 

Help us to be sensitive, 

to consider the context of suffering, 

to listen well, 

to remember the hope we have to offer—

the incarnate, resurrected, and ascended Christ 

will one day come again 

to redeem and restore all broken bodies. 

How we ache for that day.

In Christ’s restoring name. Amen. 

Read 1 Peter 5:10; Matthew 11:28-30; Matthew 4:24; Romans 15:13. 

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