
A Prayer about Continuing to Grow as We Age

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

2 Peter 3:18

Gracious Father, 

Like the saints who received Peter’s letter, 

we encounter many false teachings, 

especially as we age. 

We are told we have done our part, 

now it’s time to rest; 

we are told to retire and live lives of leisure; 

we are even told your grace forgives all (which it does), 

so we can sin all we want (which is antithetical to living in your grace).

Good Father, help us close our ears and our hearts to such teaching. 

Help us to live out 

the righteousness you have given us in Christ 

by multiplying the grace and peace 

you have multiplied to us 

through our knowledge of you and Jesus (2 Peter 1:2). 

Because your “divine power has granted us all things 

that pertain to life and godliness” 

through this knowledge, 

because you have called us 

to your “own glory and excellence” 

and made us “partakers of your divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4), 

may we “make every effort” 

to continue growing, 

every day of our lives. 

May we “supplement our faith with virtue, 

and virtue with knowledge, 

and knowledge with self-control, 

and self-control with steadfastness, 

and steadfastness with godliness, 

and godliness with brotherly (and sisterly) affection, 

and brotherly (and sisterly) affection with love” (2 Peter 1:5-7). 

Indeed, you have promised 

to continue growing these qualities in us 

until the day of Christ Jesus. 

In that day, we will be fully conformed 

to the image of Christ. 

In that day, we will live in your eternal glory. 

How we long for that day!

In Jesus’ perfect name. Amen.

Read 1 Peter 1; 3:14-18.

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