A Prayer about Doing Justice

Heavenly Father,

I will never forget the time the Reverend John M. Perkins spoke in our high school chapel,

the stories he told, his book we read, “Let Justice Roll Down.” 

He challenged us as he challenged himself to search our hearts 

to see if we truly understood what was good. 

Today I am rereading his book, 

his call to deep repentance and forgiveness, 

his own example of deep repentance and forgiveness 

of the people who brutalized him. His words call me to pray:

Lord, you have shown us what is good. 

[Name some of the things Jesus has shown you about what is good.]

Lord, what do you require of me?

[Spend some time in silence, listening to the Lord speak to you.]

You call me to do justice. 

How do you want me to do justice?

[Spend some time in silence, listening to the Lord speak to you about doing justice].

You call me to love mercy. 

What does it look like for me to love mercy?

[Spend some time in silence, listening to the Lord speak to you about loving mercy].

You call me to walk humbly with my God. 

What does it look like for me to walk humbly with you?

[Spend some time in silence, listening to the Lord speak to you about walking humbly with your God].

May we, in the power of the Spirit, truly do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you.

In Jesus’ justice-fulfilling name. Amen.

Read Micah 6:8; Amos 5:24, 5:15.

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