A Prayer about Ending Well

There was much weeping among them all; they embraced Paul and kissed him, grieving especially because of what he had said, that they would not see him again. Acts 20:36-37

Sending God,

It is the season of endings. 

Students are graduating 

from high schools, colleges, and grad schools; 

couples are getting married and altering the relationships 

they’ve had with their families. 

The truth is, most of us don’t like to say good-bye. 

We enjoy familiarity, and new things sometimes frighten us. 

Shape us by the good news of your sending gospel. 

Show us through Paul and the Ephesian elders 

how to end well.

Paul was honest with his beloved friends, 

“And so this is good-bye. 

You’re not going to see me again, 

nor I you, you whom I’ve gone among for so long 

proclaiming the good news of God’s inaugurated kingdom” (Acts 20:25-27, MSG). 

Paul can leave well because he knows 

he has done what God called him to do in Ephesus: 

“I’ve done my best for you, given you my all, 

held back nothing of God’s will for you” (Acts 20:27).

Even as he leaves, he charges them 

to live in the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. 

And then, in this tender scene on the beach, 

they say good-bye. 

They don’t pretend that they’re not going to miss each other—

they grieve. 

They weep. 

They hug and they kiss (Acts 20:36-38). 

And then the elders send Paul off.

Lord, you’ve shown us the way to do endings well. 

Give us the grace to do so in these coming days.

In Jesus’ tender name. Amen. 

Read Acts 20:17-38.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

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