A Prayer about Getting in the Back of the Line

For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Luke 18:14

Most High God,

We confess, 

our sin puffs us up with pride. 

We are too often like the Pharisee in this story, 

beating our chests, 

telling you how great we are, 

and pointing out other people’s little splinters 

while we have a big fat log sticking out of our eyes (See Matt. 7:3-5). 

We, like the disciples, 

want to be “greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:1),

and we poorly understand the route to such a reward.

For indeed, it is the tax collectors who bow low, 

knowing their sin,

begging your mercy, 

who are made right with you, 

who will be exalted in your kingdom.

Lord, have mercy on us. 

Help us to see our sin clearly 

and to confess it fully. 

Help us to be willing to “get in the back of the line,”* 

where we will find Jesus as our line companion. 

Help us to become like little children, 

so very needy for your strength. 

Help us to welcome little children, 

for to them belongs the kingdom of God.

In Jesus’ forgiving name we ask. 


Read Matthew 18:1-5; Luke 18:9-15; Matthew 7:3-5.

*This concept comes from a talk given by Pastor Joe Novenson to older adults. You can read a draft of his talk here.

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