
A Prayer about Insecurity

Mighty Lord,

We admit, insecurity drives 

many of our worst words 

and much of our wretched worry. 

Because we feel insecure about whether we are loved, 

we harshly judge others, 

typing out or shouting out 

slashing words and witty put-downs. 

Forgive us.

Because we feel insecure 

about our health, finances, jobs, and relationships, 

we worry and fret. 

Forgive us.

Draw us to live out of this hopeful reality:

In Christ, we are your beloved.

In Christ, we are secured 

in your love, your protection, your faithfulness, 

your good plan for us. 

In Christ, we can rest, 

for you are the High God, 

and you surround us, 

not just for one moment, 

but for every moment.

In Christ, we can rest, 

for you are the High God, 

the strong God, 

the surpassing God, 

who defeats any and every enemy 

who would assail us.

May we live out of this security, 

risking love and risking life 

because of who you are. 

In Jesus’ loving and lovely name. Amen.

Read Deuteronomy 33:12; James 3:3-6; Matthew 6:25-34.

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