A Prayer about Knowing God as Our Good Father

Abba, Father,

Wow! This one simple Hebrew word, 

which translates better they say as “Daddy,”

has the potential to change everything 

about how we see you and how we see ourselves, 

and most of all, how we live our lives.

How shocking really, that the holy God, 

the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, 

would stoop to being called “Daddy” by us, 

your wayward sinner saints.

You are unlike any earthly Daddy, 

for you never lose your patience with us, 

you never harm us in any way, 

you never leave us or forsake us. 

You always invite us to come to you, 

to tell you about our worry and our fear, 

our hopes and our dreams, 

our sin and our sorrow.

Help us to live and love 

out of this secure and stable place today, 

speaking gently to our kids and our spouses, 

acting kindly toward our friends and our enemies, 

sharing your Father-love with anyone and everyone we meet.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read Galatians 4:1-7.

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