
A Prayer about Living in a Landscape of Loss

These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Merciful Lord,

Today we pray for all who find themselves living in a landscape of loss. 

Even as various hurricanes whipped through Florida and the East Coast of America, 

wrecking homes, ripping away roofs, and taking lives, 

others are facing disaster in their lives: 

a body-wrecking diagnosis, 

the ripping apart of a marriage by an affair, 

the frequent flood of tears over a rebellious teenager,

unholy wars destroying people and land.

Lord, in a landscape of loss, 

in this world filled with tribulation, 

you make a startling promise: 

you have overcome the world. 

You tell us “Yes, you will suffer in this world, 

but in my world, 

my kingdom, 

which has already come and will soon be consummated,

you will never suffer again. 

Everything lost in the fall will be redeemed. 

For this reason, we can 

“be of good courage,” 

“take heart,” 

“not be afraid,” 

for you have indeed overcome the world 

by your death and resurrection. 

How we look forward to the day of renewal that awaits.

In your restoring name. Amen.

Read John 16. 

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