A Prayer about Longing for a Better Place

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord… Psalm 84:1

Heavenly Father, 

As we read the words of the pilgrim psalmist, 

who longed to be with you in your beautiful temple, 

to live with you forever in worship, 

may our longing for our heavenly home grow. 

We all long for the kind of place this “son of Korah” describes, 

a place where “birds find nooks and crannies” 

and “sparrows and swallows make their nests” 

because it is 

a safe place, 

a pleasant place, 

a peaceful place. 

Help us to remember that we are but 

“strangers” on this earth, 

scattered exiles (see Hebrews 11:13), 

that while we have work to do here and joys to experience, 

one day we will live with you forever, 

in your heavenly home. 

In that day 

our faces will shine “with your gracious anointing” (Ps. 84:9, The MSG). 

In that day, 

we will realize that 

“One day spent in your house, 

this beautiful place of worship, 

beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches” (Ps. 84:10, The MSG). 

In that day, 

we will see and sing with all your saints,

“All sunshine and sovereign is God, 

generous in gifts and glory” (Ps. 84:11, The MSG).

How we long for that day!


Read Psalm 84; Hebrews 11:13. 

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