A Prayer about Meditating on Good Things

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable — if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy — dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8

Holy God,

Yesterday we prayed about anxiety

and we could have included this verse in that prayer. 

Yet another way to combat anxiety 

is to focus our mind on things 

that renew them in gospel realities.

Help us, we pray, 

to turn our minds and ears and eyes away 

from negative Nellies and sour Sallies, 

from rude Rickies and blabbering Bobbies. 

Instead, may we meditate on things 

that are true 

and will lead us to speak the truth in love, 

things that are honorable 

and will lead us to honor the dignity of your creation,

things that are just 

and will lead us to act justly in every arena of our lives, 

things that are pure and will lead us to live and love purely, 

things that are lovely 

and will lead us to speak in lovely ways, 

things that are commendable 

and will lead us to act in a way that reflects your praiseworthy name.

In short, may we think, speak, live and love in a way 

that is the gracious outworking 

of your transforming love in our lives. 

As we do so, 

may we know the peace 

you have promised will envelop us. 

In Jesus’ peace-giving name. Amen.

Read Philippians 4.

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